URL change of Yahoo! News

Document Number: APIE-FY19-2104

Dear customer,

Thank you for using Yahoo! Ads.

Some URLs of Yahoo! News pages will change. This is to inform you
about the influence of changes on Display Ads Targeting settings and
Performance reports. Please see the following details.

Once again, thank you for using Yahoo! Ads.

1. Product:
 Display Ads (YDN)
 Display Ads (Auction)

2. API versions to be effected:
 Yahoo! JAPAN Promotional Ads API YDN API V201911
 Yahoo! Ads Display Ads API v1

3. Schedule:
 Changes will be sequentially applied to the pages starting April 1
 to the end of May 2020.
 * Schedule may change without prior notice.

4. Overview:
 The URL "headlines.yahoo.co.jp" currently used for each page of
 Yahoo! News articles will change.
 After the change, those URL will be unified to "news.yahoo.co.jp"
 that has been already used for news top and news list pages.
 Since the change will be applied sequentially, both of the following
 two URLs are available during the migration period.

 (Before) headlines.yahoo.co.jp
 (After) news.yahoo.co.jp

 Following impacts will occur with this change.
 Please consider to change current settings if necessary.

 (1) Placement targeting
 When setting the URL "headlines.yahoo.co.jp" on "allow" or "exclude"
 of Placement targeting, the setting will become ineffective.
 Please confirm and add the new URL "news.yahoo.co.jp" to the setting
 of Placement targeting.
 - Updating Placement list can be done by PlacementUrlListService.
 - If the URL "news.yahoo.co.jp" has been set on your setting, no
  action is required.
 - When specifying the second layer such as "headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl"
  or "headlines.yahoo.co.jp/cm", please specify the new URL such as
  "news.yahoo.co.jp/articles" on the setting.
 Note that specifying the second layer of new URL will not be effective
 to discriminate between "allow" and "exclude" due to common use of the
 second layer after this change.
 (2) Performance reports
 On ReportDefinitionService, "DELIVER_URL (Ad Delivery URL)" of
 "Placement report" that describes the ad delivery placement will
 have change on the number of ad delivery.
 - The number of ad delivery on "headlines.yahoo.co.jp" will diminish
  gradually and will become "0"(zero) after the URL change completes.
 - The number of ad delivery on "news.yahoo.co.jp" will increase.

5. Remarks:
 See the following pages for function details.
 Placement Targeting
 Placement Report

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team