Yahoo! JAPAN Ads Script | Developer Center
日本語Audience List
・Get Audience Lists・Upload Audience List From Google Drive
・Upload Audience List From Google Spreadsheet
Get Audience Lists
function getAudienceLists() {
const accountId = AdsUtilities.getCurrentAccountId();
let audienceLists = Display.AudienceListService.get({
accountId: accountId
if (audienceLists.totalNumEntries == 0) {
Logger.log('AudienceList does not exist.');
for (let i = 0; i < audienceLists.values.length; i++) {
let audienceList = audienceLists.values[i].audienceList;
Logger.log('audienceListId-> ' + audienceList.audienceListId
+ ', audienceListName-> ' + audienceList.audienceListName
+ ', reach-> ' + audienceList.reach);
Upload Audience List From Google Drive
function uploadAudienceList() {
const accountId = AdsUtilities.getCurrentAccountId();
const retargetingTagId = '1A2B3C4D5E';//Specify the site retargeting ID
const audienceListId = 1234567890; //Specify the audience list ID
const uploadType = 'AAID';
const fileId = '11111AAAAAbbbbb_-222222BBBBBccccc';
const compressType = 'NONE';
const fileData = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId).getBlob().getBytes();
let uploadList = Display.AudienceListService.uploadUserList(accountId, retargetingTagId, audienceListId, uploadType, compressType, fileData);
Upload Audience List From Google Spreadsheet
function uploadAudienceList() {
const accountId = AdsUtilities.getCurrentAccountId();
const retargetingTagId = '1A2B3C4D5E';//Specify the site retargeting ID
const audienceListId = 1234567890; //Specify the audience list ID
const uploadType = 'AAID';
const compressType = 'NONE';
const SPREAD_SHEET_ID = 'SpreadsheetID';
const SPREAD_SHEET_NAME = 'Sheet1'
let sh = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREAD_SHEET_ID).getSheetByName(SPREAD_SHEET_NAME);
let ssDataArray = sh.getDataRange().getValues();
let fileContent = '';
ssDataArray.forEach(row => {
fileContent += row[0] + '\n';
let blob = Utilities.newBlob(Buffer.from(fileContent, 'utf-8'));
let uploadList = Display.AudienceListService.uploadUserList(accountId, retargetingTagId, audienceListId, uploadType, compressType, blob);