ReportDefinitionServiceReportDateRangeType displays a date range of the report. This field is required in ADD operation, and will be ignored in REMOVE operation. If you want actual value including today (specifying TODAY/CUSTOM_DATE to include today), confirm the following restrictions. - Today\'s actual value on the report is preliminary figures at a particular time. It may be the value at the time 4 to 5 hours ago, since the preliminary figure varies depending on when it\'s acquired. - The actual value including today on the report may be different from the value acquired by StatsService or the value displayed on the Campaign Management Tool. - Frequency Report and Reach Report don\'t provide today\'s actual value. - The value will be determined around 5 AM the next morning (JST).
本日を除く、過去7日間です。Reports are generated for the last 7 days not including today.
前月です。Reports are generated for all days in the previous month.
本日を含む、当月です。Reports are generated for all days in the current month including today.
本日を除く、当月です。Reports are generated for all days in the current month not including today.
本日です。Reports are generated for today.
昨日です。Reports are generated for yesterday only.
本日を除く、過去30日間です。Reports are generated for the last 30 days not including today.
本日を除く、過去14日間です。Reports are generated for the last 14 days not including today.
ユーザーにより指定される期間です。CUSTOM_DATEを指定した場合、集計対象期間の指定が必要です。 ※ReportType : REACHでは指定不可Reports are generated for the date range specified byDateRange. If select CUSTOM_DATE, DateRange must be input. * CUSTOM_DATE cannot be specified if ReportType = REACH.
先週の月曜日から日曜日です。Reports are generated for the seven-day period starting with previous Monday.
先週の月曜日から5営業日です。Reports are generated for the 5 day business week starting with previous Monday.
通期です。 リーチレポートでのみ指定可能です。 通期を指定する場合は、frequencyRangeでもGUARANTEED_CAMPAIGN_PERIODを指定する必要があります。 ※この「通期」は、予約型キャンペーンの開始から終了までの全期間を意味します。 Lifetime. Can be specified only in the reach report. If specified this, \"GUARANTEED_CAMPAIGN_PERIOD\" must be specified for frequencyRange as well. * "lifetime" means the entire period from the start to the end of the guaranteed campaign.
- StatsServiceや広告管理ツールによる本日分の実績値とは、数値が異なる可能性があります。
- フリークエンシーレポートとリーチレポートでは、本日分の実績値は取得できません。
- 本日分の実績値は、翌朝5時(JST)前後に確定します。
This field is required in ADD operation, and will be ignored in REMOVE operation.
If you want actual value including today (specifying TODAY/CUSTOM_DATE to include today), confirm the following restrictions.
- Today\'s actual value on the report is preliminary figures at a particular time. It may be the value at the time 4 to 5 hours ago, since the preliminary figure varies depending on when it\'s acquired.
- The actual value including today on the report may be different from the value acquired by StatsService or the value displayed on the Campaign Management Tool.
- Frequency Report and Reach Report don\'t provide today\'s actual value.
- The value will be determined around 5 AM the next morning (JST).
※ReportType : REACHでは指定不可Reports are generated for the date range specified byDateRange. If select CUSTOM_DATE, DateRange must be input.
* CUSTOM_DATE cannot be specified if ReportType = REACH.
※この「通期」は、予約型キャンペーンの開始から終了までの全期間を意味します。 Lifetime.
Can be specified only in the reach report.
If specified this, \"GUARANTEED_CAMPAIGN_PERIOD\" must be specified for frequencyRange as well.
* "lifetime" means the entire period from the start to the end of the guaranteed campaign.