Integration of Yahoo! JAPAN DMP to Yahoo! JAPAN Ads

Document Number: APIE-FY21-2237

Dear customers,

Thank you for using Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.

We will integrate Yahoo! JAPAN DMP into Yahoo! JAPAN Ads and end the
service of DMP alone to promote data marketing.
Please see the following details.

1. Product:

2. Schedule:
 ・Stop application of new account :
   Late December 2021
 ・Close the service of Yahoo! JAPAN DMP :
   End of March 2022.

 *This date is subject to change.
 *We will make another announcement once the schedule has been decided.

3. Overview:
 We will integrate Yahoo! JAPAN DMP into Yahoo! JAPAN Ads.
 Along with this integration, the service of Yahoo! JAPAN DMP alone
 will end.

 This integration will be implemented as part of the promotion of data
 marketing that utilizes both Yahoo! JAPAN Big Data and customer's data.
 We will provide Yahoo! JAPAN DMP functions on the platform of Yahoo!
 JAPAN Ads to be used easily and provide an environment where customers
 can utilize the data easily.

 A separate contract was required to use Yahoo! JAPAN DMP currently,
 but a separate contract will not be required after the integration.
 This will enable more customers to promote data marketing.

 The functions and data currently used on Yahoo! JAPAN DMP will be
 integrated into tools such as the Campaign Management Tool, Yahoo!
 JAPAN Ads API and Yahoo! JAPAN Tag manager.
 In addition, we plan to provide a function to automatically migrate
 settings etc. to the new environment.
 We will make another announcement once the detail has been decided.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Yahoo! JAPAN API support team